mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 08:18:22 -06:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "c5fdd9ea65d714b6105b187d690c9cdcc3f4a967" and "e319c35f097e08590e705378c7e5b479720deabc" have entirely different histories.
@ -278,14 +278,7 @@ div.thumbnail > .bottom-right-overlay {
display: inline;
.searchbar .pure-form {
display: flex;
.searchbar .pure-form fieldset {
padding: 0;
flex: 1;
.searchbar .pure-form fieldset { padding: 0; }
.searchbar input[type="search"] {
width: 100%;
@ -317,16 +310,6 @@ input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
background-size: 14px;
.searchbar #searchbutton {
border: none;
background: none;
margin-top: 0;
.searchbar #searchbutton:hover {
color: rgb(0, 182, 240);
.user-field {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ record AboutChannel,
allowed_regions : Array(String),
tabs : Array(String),
tags : Array(String),
verified : Bool,
is_age_gated : Bool
verified : Bool
def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel
@ -46,102 +45,46 @@ def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel
tags = [] of String
tab_names = [] of String
total_views = 0_i64
joined = Time.unix(0)
if age_gate_renderer = initdata.dig?("contents", "twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer", "tabs", 0, "tabRenderer", "content", "sectionListRenderer", "contents", 0, "channelAgeGateRenderer")
description_node = nil
author = age_gate_renderer["channelTitle"].as_s
ucid = initdata.dig("responseContext", "serviceTrackingParams", 0, "params", 0, "value").as_s
author_url = "https://www.youtube.com/channel/#{ucid}"
author_thumbnail = age_gate_renderer.dig("avatar", "thumbnails", 0, "url").as_s
banner = nil
is_family_friendly = false
is_age_gated = true
tab_names = ["videos", "shorts", "streams"]
auto_generated = false
if auto_generated
author = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["title"]["simpleText"].as_s
author_url = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["urlCanonical"].as_s
author_thumbnail = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["boxArt"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s
# Raises a KeyError on failure.
banners = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]?
banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s?
description_base_node = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["description"]
# some channels have the description in a simpleText
# ex: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvWX73GQygcwXOTSf_VDVg/
description_node = description_base_node.dig?("simpleText") || description_base_node
tags = initdata.dig?("header", "interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer", "badges")
.try &.as_a.map(&.["metadataBadgeRenderer"]["label"].as_s) || [] of String
if auto_generated
author = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["title"]["simpleText"].as_s
author_url = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["urlCanonical"].as_s
author_thumbnail = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["boxArt"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s
author = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["title"].as_s
author_url = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["channelUrl"].as_s
author_thumbnail = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["avatar"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s
author_verified = has_verified_badge?(initdata.dig?("header", "c4TabbedHeaderRenderer", "badges"))
# Raises a KeyError on failure.
banners = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]?
banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s?
ucid = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["externalId"].as_s
description_base_node = initdata["header"]["interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer"]["description"]
# some channels have the description in a simpleText
# ex: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvWX73GQygcwXOTSf_VDVg/
description_node = description_base_node.dig?("simpleText") || description_base_node
# Raises a KeyError on failure.
banners = initdata["header"]["c4TabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]?
banners ||= initdata.dig?("header", "pageHeaderRenderer", "content", "pageHeaderViewModel", "banner", "imageBannerViewModel", "image", "sources")
banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s?
tags = initdata.dig?("header", "interactiveTabbedHeaderRenderer", "badges")
.try &.as_a.map(&.["metadataBadgeRenderer"]["label"].as_s) || [] of String
author = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["title"].as_s
author_url = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["channelUrl"].as_s
author_thumbnail = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["avatar"]["thumbnails"][0]["url"].as_s
author_verified = has_verified_badge?(initdata.dig?("header", "c4TabbedHeaderRenderer", "badges"))
# if banner.includes? "channels/c4/default_banner"
# banner = nil
# end
ucid = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]["externalId"].as_s
# Raises a KeyError on failure.
banners = initdata["header"]["c4TabbedHeaderRenderer"]?.try &.["banner"]?.try &.["thumbnails"]?
banners ||= initdata.dig?("header", "pageHeaderRenderer", "content", "pageHeaderViewModel", "banner", "imageBannerViewModel", "image", "sources")
banner = banners.try &.[-1]?.try &.["url"].as_s?
# if banner.includes? "channels/c4/default_banner"
# banner = nil
# end
description_node = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]?.try &.["description"]?
tags = initdata.dig?("microformat", "microformatDataRenderer", "tags").try &.as_a.map(&.as_s) || [] of String
is_family_friendly = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["familySafe"].as_bool
if tabs_json = initdata["contents"]["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"]?
# Get the name of the tabs available on this channel
tab_names = tabs_json.as_a.compact_map do |entry|
name = entry.dig?("tabRenderer", "title").try &.as_s.downcase
# This is a small fix to not add extra code on the HTML side
# I.e, the URL for the "live" tab is .../streams, so use "streams"
# everywhere for the sake of simplicity
(name == "live") ? "streams" : name
# Get the currently active tab ("About")
about_tab = extract_selected_tab(tabs_json)
# Try to find the about metadata section
channel_about_meta = about_tab.dig?(
"sectionListRenderer", "contents", 0,
"itemSectionRenderer", "contents", 0,
if !channel_about_meta.nil?
total_views = channel_about_meta.dig?("viewCountText", "simpleText").try &.as_s.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i64? || 0_i64
# The joined text is split to several sub strings. The reduce joins those strings before parsing the date.
joined = extract_text(channel_about_meta["joinedDateText"]?)
.try { |text| Time.parse(text, "Joined %b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) } || Time.unix(0)
# Normal Auto-generated channels
# https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2579942
# For auto-generated channels, channel_about_meta only has
# ["description"]["simpleText"] and ["primaryLinks"][0]["title"]["simpleText"]
auto_generated = (
(channel_about_meta["primaryLinks"]?.try &.size) == 1 && \
extract_text(channel_about_meta.dig?("primaryLinks", 0, "title")) == "Auto-generated by YouTube" ||
channel_about_meta.dig?("links", 0, "channelExternalLinkViewModel", "title", "content").try &.as_s == "Auto-generated by YouTube"
description_node = initdata["metadata"]["channelMetadataRenderer"]?.try &.["description"]?
tags = initdata.dig?("microformat", "microformatDataRenderer", "tags").try &.as_a.map(&.as_s) || [] of String
is_family_friendly = initdata["microformat"]["microformatDataRenderer"]["familySafe"].as_bool
allowed_regions = initdata
.dig?("microformat", "microformatDataRenderer", "availableCountries")
.try &.as_a.map(&.as_s) || [] of String
@ -159,6 +102,52 @@ def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel
total_views = 0_i64
joined = Time.unix(0)
tab_names = [] of String
if tabs_json = initdata["contents"]["twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer"]["tabs"]?
# Get the name of the tabs available on this channel
tab_names = tabs_json.as_a.compact_map do |entry|
name = entry.dig?("tabRenderer", "title").try &.as_s.downcase
# This is a small fix to not add extra code on the HTML side
# I.e, the URL for the "live" tab is .../streams, so use "streams"
# everywhere for the sake of simplicity
(name == "live") ? "streams" : name
# Get the currently active tab ("About")
about_tab = extract_selected_tab(tabs_json)
# Try to find the about metadata section
channel_about_meta = about_tab.dig?(
"sectionListRenderer", "contents", 0,
"itemSectionRenderer", "contents", 0,
if !channel_about_meta.nil?
total_views = channel_about_meta.dig?("viewCountText", "simpleText").try &.as_s.gsub(/\D/, "").to_i64? || 0_i64
# The joined text is split to several sub strings. The reduce joins those strings before parsing the date.
joined = extract_text(channel_about_meta["joinedDateText"]?)
.try { |text| Time.parse(text, "Joined %b %-d, %Y", Time::Location.local) } || Time.unix(0)
# Normal Auto-generated channels
# https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2579942
# For auto-generated channels, channel_about_meta only has
# ["description"]["simpleText"] and ["primaryLinks"][0]["title"]["simpleText"]
auto_generated = (
(channel_about_meta["primaryLinks"]?.try &.size) == 1 && \
extract_text(channel_about_meta.dig?("primaryLinks", 0, "title")) == "Auto-generated by YouTube" ||
channel_about_meta.dig?("links", 0, "channelExternalLinkViewModel", "title", "content").try &.as_s == "Auto-generated by YouTube"
sub_count = 0
if (metadata_rows = initdata.dig?("header", "pageHeaderRenderer", "content", "pageHeaderViewModel", "metadata", "contentMetadataViewModel", "metadataRows").try &.as_a)
@ -188,7 +177,6 @@ def get_about_info(ucid, locale) : AboutChannel
tabs: tab_names,
tags: tags,
verified: author_verified || false,
is_age_gated: is_age_gated || false,
@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ module Invidious::Database::Playlists
request = <<-SQL
SELECT id,title FROM playlists
WHERE author = $1 AND id LIKE 'IV%'
ORDER BY title
PG_DB.query_all(request, email, as: {String, String})
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ struct SearchVideo
json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds
json.field "liveNow", self.live_now
json.field "premium", self.premium
json.field "isUpcoming", self.upcoming?
json.field "isUpcoming", self.is_upcoming
if self.premiere_timestamp
json.field "premiereTimestamp", self.premiere_timestamp.try &.to_unix
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ struct SearchVideo
to_json(nil, json)
def upcoming?
def is_upcoming
premiere_timestamp ? true : false
@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ class Invidious::DecryptFunction
def check_update
now = Time.utc
# If we have updated in the last 5 minutes, do nothing
return if (Time.utc - @last_update) < 5.minutes
return if (now - @last_update) > 5.minutes
# Get the amount of time elapsed since when the player was updated, in the
# event where multiple invidious processes are run in parallel.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module Invidious::JSONify::APIv1
json.field "isListed", video.is_listed
json.field "liveNow", video.live_now
json.field "isPostLiveDvr", video.post_live_dvr
json.field "isUpcoming", video.upcoming?
json.field "isUpcoming", video.is_upcoming
if video.premiere_timestamp
json.field "premiereTimestamp", video.premiere_timestamp.try &.to_unix
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ module Invidious::JSONify::APIv1
# On livestreams, it's not present, so always fall back to the
# current unix timestamp (up to mS precision) for compatibility.
last_modified = fmt["lastModified"]?
last_modified ||= "#{Time.utc.to_unix_ms}000"
last_modified ||= "#{Time.utc.to_unix_ms.to_s}000"
json.field "lmt", last_modified
json.field "projectionType", fmt["projectionType"]
@ -162,13 +162,7 @@ module Invidious::JSONify::APIv1
json.array do
video.fmt_stream.each do |fmt|
json.object do
if proxy
json.field "url", Invidious::HttpServer::Utils.proxy_video_url(
fmt["url"].to_s, absolute: true
json.field "url", fmt["url"]
json.field "url", fmt["url"]
json.field "itag", fmt["itag"].as_i.to_s
json.field "type", fmt["mimeType"]
json.field "quality", fmt["quality"]
@ -277,17 +271,17 @@ module Invidious::JSONify::APIv1
def storyboards(json, id, storyboards)
json.array do
storyboards.each do |sb|
storyboards.each do |storyboard|
json.object do
json.field "url", "/api/v1/storyboards/#{id}?width=#{sb.width}&height=#{sb.height}"
json.field "templateUrl", sb.url.to_s
json.field "width", sb.width
json.field "height", sb.height
json.field "count", sb.count
json.field "interval", sb.interval
json.field "storyboardWidth", sb.columns
json.field "storyboardHeight", sb.rows
json.field "storyboardCount", sb.images_count
json.field "url", "/api/v1/storyboards/#{id}?width=#{storyboard[:width]}&height=#{storyboard[:height]}"
json.field "templateUrl", storyboard[:url]
json.field "width", storyboard[:width]
json.field "height", storyboard[:height]
json.field "count", storyboard[:count]
json.field "interval", storyboard[:interval]
json.field "storyboardWidth", storyboard[:storyboard_width]
json.field "storyboardHeight", storyboard[:storyboard_height]
json.field "storyboardCount", storyboard[:storyboard_count]
@ -46,14 +46,8 @@ struct PlaylistVideo
XML.build { |xml| to_xml(xml) }
def to_json(locale : String?, json : JSON::Builder)
def to_json(json : JSON::Builder, index : Int32? = nil)
json.object do
json.field "type", "video"
json.field "title", self.title
json.field "videoId", self.id
@ -73,7 +67,6 @@ struct PlaylistVideo
json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds
json.field "liveNow", self.live_now
@ -27,21 +27,10 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Channels
# Retrieve "sort by" setting from URL parameters
sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase || "newest"
if channel.is_age_gated
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UULF"))
videos = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
videos, _ = Channel::Tabs.get_videos(channel, sort_by: sort_by)
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
videos, _ = Channel::Tabs.get_videos(channel, sort_by: sort_by)
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
JSON.build do |json|
@ -95,7 +84,6 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Channels
json.field "joined", channel.joined.to_unix
json.field "autoGenerated", channel.auto_generated
json.field "ageGated", channel.is_age_gated
json.field "isFamilyFriendly", channel.is_family_friendly
json.field "description", html_to_content(channel.description_html)
json.field "descriptionHtml", channel.description_html
@ -154,23 +142,12 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Channels
sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase || "newest"
continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]?
if channel.is_age_gated
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UULF"))
videos = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_videos(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_videos(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
return JSON.build do |json|
@ -199,23 +176,12 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Channels
# Retrieve continuation from URL parameters
continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]?
if channel.is_age_gated
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UUSH"))
videos = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_shorts(
channel, continuation: continuation
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_shorts(
channel, continuation: continuation
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
return JSON.build do |json|
@ -245,23 +211,12 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Channels
sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase || "newest"
continuation = env.params.query["continuation"]?
if channel.is_age_gated
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UULV"))
videos = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
videos = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_livestreams(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
videos, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_livestreams(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
rescue ex
return error_json(500, ex)
return JSON.build do |json|
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
require "html"
module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
def self.videos(env)
locale = env.get("preferences").as(Preferences).locale
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
caption_xml = XML.parse(caption_xml)
webvtt = WebVTT.build(settings_field) do |builder|
webvtt = WebVTT.build(settings_field) do |webvtt|
caption_nodes = caption_xml.xpath_nodes("//transcript/text")
caption_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i|
start_time = node["start"].to_f.seconds
@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
text = "<v #{md["name"]}>#{md["text"]}</v>"
builder.cue(start_time, end_time, text)
webvtt.cue(start_time, end_time, text)
@ -189,14 +187,15 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
haltf env, 500
width = env.params.query["width"]?.try &.to_i
height = env.params.query["height"]?.try &.to_i
storyboards = video.storyboards
width = env.params.query["width"]?
height = env.params.query["height"]?
if !width && !height
response = JSON.build do |json|
json.object do
json.field "storyboards" do
Invidious::JSONify::APIv1.storyboards(json, id, video.storyboards)
Invidious::JSONify::APIv1.storyboards(json, id, storyboards)
@ -206,48 +205,35 @@ module Invidious::Routes::API::V1::Videos
env.response.content_type = "text/vtt"
# Select a storyboard matching the user's provided width/height
storyboard = video.storyboards.select { |x| x.width == width || x.height == height }
haltf env, 404 if storyboard.empty?
storyboard = storyboards.select { |sb| width == "#{sb[:width]}" || height == "#{sb[:height]}" }
# Alias variable, to make the code below esaier to read
sb = storyboard[0]
if storyboard.empty?
haltf env, 404
storyboard = storyboard[0]
# Some base URL segments that we'll use to craft the final URLs
work_url = sb.proxied_url.dup
template_path = sb.proxied_url.path
WebVTT.build do |vtt|
start_time = 0.milliseconds
end_time = storyboard[:interval].milliseconds
# Initialize cue timing variables
# NOTE: videojs-vtt-thumbnails gets lost when the cue times don't overlap
# (i.e: if cue[n] end time is 1:06:25.000, cue[n+1] start time should be 1:06:25.000)
time_delta = sb.interval.milliseconds
start_time = 0.milliseconds
end_time = time_delta
storyboard[:storyboard_count].times do |i|
url = storyboard[:url]
authority = /(i\d?).ytimg.com/.match!(url)[1]?
url = url.gsub("$M", i).gsub(%r(https://i\d?.ytimg.com/sb/), "")
url = "#{HOST_URL}/sb/#{authority}/#{url}"
# Build a VTT file for VideoJS-vtt plugin
vtt_file = WebVTT.build do |vtt|
sb.images_count.times do |i|
# Replace the variable component part of the path
work_url.path = template_path.sub("$M", i)
storyboard[:storyboard_height].times do |j|
storyboard[:storyboard_width].times do |k|
current_cue_url = "#{url}#xywh=#{storyboard[:width] * k},#{storyboard[:height] * j},#{storyboard[:width] - 2},#{storyboard[:height]}"
vtt.cue(start_time, end_time, current_cue_url)
sb.rows.times do |j|
sb.columns.times do |k|
# The URL fragment represents the offset of the thumbnail inside the storyboard image
work_url.fragment = "xywh=#{sb.width * k},#{sb.height * j},#{sb.width - 2},#{sb.height}"
vtt.cue(start_time, end_time, work_url.to_s)
start_time += time_delta
end_time += time_delta
start_time += storyboard[:interval].milliseconds
end_time += storyboard[:interval].milliseconds
# videojs-vtt-thumbnails is not compliant to the VTT specification, it
# doesn't unescape the HTML entities, so we have to do it here:
# TODO: remove this when we migrate to VideoJS 8
return HTML.unescape(vtt_file)
def self.annotations(env)
@ -36,24 +36,12 @@ module Invidious::Routes::Channels
items = items.select(SearchPlaylist)
items.each(&.author = "")
sort_options = {"newest", "oldest", "popular"}
# Fetch items and continuation token
if channel.is_age_gated
sort_by = ""
sort_options = [] of String
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UULF"))
items = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
items = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
sort_options = {"newest", "oldest", "popular"}
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_videos(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: (sort_by || "newest")
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_videos(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: (sort_by || "newest")
selected_tab = Frontend::ChannelPage::TabsAvailable::Videos
@ -70,27 +58,14 @@ module Invidious::Routes::Channels
return env.redirect "/channel/#{channel.ucid}"
if channel.is_age_gated
sort_by = ""
sort_options = [] of String
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UUSH"))
items = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
items = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
# TODO: support sort option for shorts
sort_by = ""
sort_options = [] of String
# TODO: support sort option for shorts
sort_by = ""
sort_options = [] of String
# Fetch items and continuation token
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_shorts(
channel, continuation: continuation
# Fetch items and continuation token
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_shorts(
channel, continuation: continuation
selected_tab = Frontend::ChannelPage::TabsAvailable::Shorts
templated "channel"
@ -106,26 +81,13 @@ module Invidious::Routes::Channels
return env.redirect "/channel/#{channel.ucid}"
if channel.is_age_gated
sort_by = ""
sort_options = [] of String
playlist = get_playlist(channel.ucid.sub("UC", "UULV"))
items = get_playlist_videos(playlist, offset: 0)
rescue ex : InfoException
# playlist doesnt exist.
items = [] of PlaylistVideo
next_continuation = nil
sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase || "newest"
sort_options = {"newest", "oldest", "popular"}
sort_by = env.params.query["sort_by"]?.try &.downcase || "newest"
sort_options = {"newest", "oldest", "popular"}
# Fetch items and continuation token
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_livestreams(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
# Fetch items and continuation token
items, next_continuation = Channel::Tabs.get_60_livestreams(
channel, continuation: continuation, sort_by: sort_by
selected_tab = Frontend::ChannelPage::TabsAvailable::Streams
templated "channel"
@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ module Invidious::Routes::Search
user = env.get? "user"
# An URL was copy/pasted in the search box.
# Redirect the user to the appropriate page.
if query.url?
return env.redirect UrlSanitizer.process(query.text).to_s
items = query.process
rescue ex : ChannelSearchException
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ module Invidious::Routes::VideoPlayback
# TODO: Record bytes written so we can restart after a chunk fails
loop do
while true
if !range_end && content_length
range_end = content_length
@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ module Invidious::Search
property region : String?
property channel : String = ""
# Flag that indicates if the smart search features have been disabled.
@inhibit_ssf : Bool = false
# Return true if @raw_query is either `nil` or empty
private def empty_raw_query?
return @raw_query.empty?
@ -51,18 +48,10 @@ module Invidious::Search
# Get the raw search query string (common to all search types). In
# Regular search mode, also look for the `search_query` URL parameter
_raw_query = params["q"]?
_raw_query ||= params["search_query"]? if @type.regular?
_raw_query ||= ""
# Remove surrounding whitespaces. Mostly useful for copy/pasted URLs.
@raw_query = _raw_query.strip
# Check for smart features (ex: URL search) inhibitor (backslash).
# If inhibitor is present, remove it.
if @raw_query.starts_with?('\\')
@inhibit_ssf = true
@raw_query = @raw_query[1..]
if @type.regular?
@raw_query = params["q"]? || params["search_query"]? || ""
@raw_query = params["q"]? || ""
# Get the page number (also common to all search types)
@ -96,7 +85,7 @@ module Invidious::Search
@filters = Filters.from_iv_params(params)
@channel = params["channel"]? || ""
if @filters.default? && @raw_query.index(/\w:\w/)
if @filters.default? && @raw_query.includes?(':')
# Parse legacy filters from query
@filters, @channel, @query, subs = Filters.from_legacy_filters(@raw_query)
@ -147,22 +136,5 @@ module Invidious::Search
return params
# Checks if the query is a standalone URL
def url? : Bool
# If the smart features have been inhibited, don't go further.
return false if @inhibit_ssf
# Only supported in regular search mode
return false if !@type.regular?
# If filters are present, that's a regular search
return false if !@filters.default?
# Simple heuristics: domain name
return @raw_query.starts_with?(
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ struct Invidious::User
playlists.each do |item|
title = item["title"]?.try &.as_s?.try &.delete("<>")
description = item["description"]?.try &.as_s?.try &.delete("\r")
privacy = item["privacy"]?.try &.as_s?.try { |raw_pl_privacy_state| PlaylistPrivacy.parse? raw_pl_privacy_state }
privacy = item["privacy"]?.try &.as_s?.try { |privacy| PlaylistPrivacy.parse? privacy }
next if !title
next if !description
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ struct Invidious::User
# Youtube
# -------------------
private def opml?(mimetype : String, extension : String)
private def is_opml?(mimetype : String, extension : String)
opml_mimetypes = [
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ struct Invidious::User
def from_youtube(user : User, body : String, filename : String, type : String) : Bool
extension = filename.split(".").last
if opml?(type, extension)
if is_opml?(type, extension)
subscriptions = XML.parse(body)
user.subscriptions += subscriptions.xpath_nodes(%q(//outline[@type="rss"])).map do |channel|
@ -177,8 +177,65 @@ struct Video
# Misc. methods
def storyboards
container = info.dig?("storyboards") || JSON::Any.new("{}")
return IV::Videos::Storyboard.from_yt_json(container, self.length_seconds)
storyboards = info.dig?("storyboards", "playerStoryboardSpecRenderer", "spec")
.try &.as_s.split("|")
if !storyboards
if storyboard = info.dig?("storyboards", "playerLiveStoryboardSpecRenderer", "spec").try &.as_s
return [{
url: storyboard.split("#")[0],
width: 106,
height: 60,
count: -1,
interval: 5000,
storyboard_width: 3,
storyboard_height: 3,
storyboard_count: -1,
items = [] of NamedTuple(
url: String,
width: Int32,
height: Int32,
count: Int32,
interval: Int32,
storyboard_width: Int32,
storyboard_height: Int32,
storyboard_count: Int32)
return items if !storyboards
url = URI.parse(storyboards.shift)
params = HTTP::Params.parse(url.query || "")
storyboards.each_with_index do |sb, i|
width, height, count, storyboard_width, storyboard_height, interval, _, sigh = sb.split("#")
params["sigh"] = sigh
url.query = params.to_s
width = width.to_i
height = height.to_i
count = count.to_i
interval = interval.to_i
storyboard_width = storyboard_width.to_i
storyboard_height = storyboard_height.to_i
storyboard_count = (count / (storyboard_width * storyboard_height)).ceil.to_i
items << {
url: url.to_s.sub("$L", i).sub("$N", "M$M"),
width: width,
height: height,
count: count,
interval: interval,
storyboard_width: storyboard_width,
storyboard_height: storyboard_height,
storyboard_count: storyboard_count,
def paid
@ -223,7 +280,7 @@ struct Video
info["genreUcid"].try &.as_s? ? "/channel/#{info["genreUcid"]}" : nil
def vr? : Bool?
def is_vr : Bool?
return {"EQUIRECTANGULAR", "MESH"}.includes? self.projection_type
@ -304,21 +361,6 @@ struct Video
{% if flag?(:debug_macros) %} {{debug}} {% end %}
# Macro to generate ? and = accessor methods for attributes in `info`
private macro predicate_bool(method_name, name)
# Return {{name.stringify}} from `info`
def {{method_name.id.underscore}}? : Bool
return info[{{name.stringify}}]?.try &.as_bool || false
# Update {{name.stringify}} into `info`
def {{method_name.id.underscore}}=(value : Bool)
info[{{name.stringify}}] = JSON::Any.new(value)
{% if flag?(:debug_macros) %} {{debug}} {% end %}
# Method definitions, using the macros above
getset_string author
@ -340,12 +382,11 @@ struct Video
getset_i64 likes
getset_i64 views
# TODO: Make predicate_bool the default as to adhere to Crystal conventions
getset_bool allowRatings
getset_bool authorVerified
getset_bool isFamilyFriendly
getset_bool isListed
predicate_bool upcoming, isUpcoming
getset_bool isUpcoming
def get_video(id, refresh = true, region = nil, force_refresh = false)
@ -36,13 +36,7 @@ def parse_description(desc, video_id : String) : String?
return "" if content.empty?
commands = desc["commandRuns"]?.try &.as_a
if commands.nil?
# Slightly faster than HTML.escape, as we're only doing one pass on
# the string instead of five for the standard library
return String.build do |str|
copy_string(str, content.each_codepoint, content.size)
return content if commands.nil?
# Not everything is stored in UTF-8 on youtube's side. The SMP codepoints
# (0x10000 and above) are encoded as UTF-16 surrogate pairs, which are
@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
require "uri"
require "http/params"
module Invidious::Videos
struct Storyboard
# Template URL
getter url : URI
getter proxied_url : URI
# Thumbnail parameters
getter width : Int32
getter height : Int32
getter count : Int32
getter interval : Int32
# Image (storyboard) parameters
getter rows : Int32
getter columns : Int32
getter images_count : Int32
def initialize(
*, @url, @width, @height, @count, @interval,
@rows, @columns, @images_count
authority = /(i\d?).ytimg.com/.match!(@url.host.not_nil!)[1]?
@proxied_url = URI.parse(HOST_URL)
@proxied_url.path = "/sb/#{authority}/#{@url.path.lchop("/sb/")}"
@proxied_url.query = @url.query
# Parse the JSON structure from Youtube
def self.from_yt_json(container : JSON::Any, length_seconds : Int32) : Array(Storyboard)
# Livestream storyboards are a bit different
# TODO: document exactly how
if storyboard = container.dig?("playerLiveStoryboardSpecRenderer", "spec").try &.as_s
return [Storyboard.new(
url: URI.parse(storyboard.split("#")[0]),
width: 106,
height: 60,
count: -1,
interval: 5000,
rows: 3,
columns: 3,
images_count: -1
# Split the storyboard string into chunks
# General format (whitespaces added for legibility):
# https://i.ytimg.com/sb/<video_id>/storyboard3_L$L/$N.jpg?sqp=<sig0>
# | 48 # 27 # 100 # 10 # 10 # 0 # default # rs$<sig1>
# | 80 # 45 # 95 # 10 # 10 # 10000 # M$M # rs$<sig2>
# | 160 # 90 # 95 # 5 # 5 # 10000 # M$M # rs$<sig3>
storyboards = container.dig?("playerStoryboardSpecRenderer", "spec")
.try &.as_s.split("|")
return [] of Storyboard if !storyboards
# The base URL is the first chunk
base_url = URI.parse(storyboards.shift)
return storyboards.map_with_index do |sb, i|
# Separate the different storyboard parameters:
# width/height: respective dimensions, in pixels, of a single thumbnail
# count: how many thumbnails are displayed across the full video
# columns/rows: maximum amount of thumbnails that can be stuffed in a
# single image, horizontally and vertically.
# interval: interval between two thumbnails, in milliseconds
# name: storyboard filename. Usually "M$M" or "default"
# sigh: URL cryptographic signature
width, height, count, columns, rows, interval, name, sigh = sb.split("#")
width = width.to_i
height = height.to_i
count = count.to_i
interval = interval.to_i
columns = columns.to_i
rows = rows.to_i
# Copy base URL object, so that we can modify it
url = base_url.dup
# Add the signature to the URL
params = url.query_params
params["sigh"] = sigh
url.query_params = params
# Replace the template parts with what we have
url.path = url.path.sub("$L", i).sub("$N", name)
# This value represents the maximum amount of thumbnails that can fit
# in a single image. The last image (or the only one for short videos)
# will contain less thumbnails than that.
thumbnails_per_image = columns * rows
# This value represents the total amount of storyboards required to
# hold all of the thumbnails. It can't be less than 1.
images_count = (count / thumbnails_per_image).ceil.to_i
# Compute the interval when needed (in general, that's only required
# for the first "default" storyboard).
if interval == 0
interval = ((length_seconds / count) * 1_000).to_i
url: url,
width: width,
height: height,
count: count,
interval: interval,
rows: rows,
columns: columns,
images_count: images_count,
@ -110,13 +110,13 @@ module Invidious::Videos
"Language" => @language_code,
vtt = WebVTT.build(settings_field) do |builder|
vtt = WebVTT.build(settings_field) do |vtt|
@lines.each do |line|
# Section headers are excluded from the VTT conversion as to
# match the regular captions returned from YouTube as much as possible
next if line.is_a? HeadingLine
builder.cue(line.start_ms, line.end_ms, line.line)
vtt.cue(line.start_ms, line.end_ms, line.line)
@ -6,7 +6,4 @@
title="<%= translate(locale, "search") %>"
value="<%= env.get?("search").try {|x| HTML.escape(x.as(String)) } %>">
<button type="submit" id="searchbutton" aria-label="<%= translate(locale, "search") %>">
<i class="icon ion-ios-search"></i>
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ we're going to need to do it here in order to allow for translations.
"params" => params,
"preferences" => preferences,
"premiere_timestamp" => video.premiere_timestamp.try &.to_unix,
"vr" => video.vr?,
"vr" => video.is_vr,
"projection_type" => video.projection_type,
"local_disabled" => CONFIG.disabled?("local"),
"support_reddit" => true
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
def add_yt_headers(request)
request.headers.delete("User-Agent") if request.headers["User-Agent"] == "Crystal"
request.headers["User-Agent"] ||= "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
request.headers["User-Agent"] ||= "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
request.headers["Accept-Charset"] ||= "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"
request.headers["Accept"] ||= "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
require "uri"
module UrlSanitizer
extend self
channel: ["u", "user", "lb"],
playlist: ["list"],
search: ["q", "search_query", "sp"],
watch: [
"v", # Video ID
"list", "index", # Playlist-related
"playlist", # Unnamed playlist (id,id,id,...) (embed-only?)
"t", "time_continue", "start", "end", # Timestamp
"lc", # Highlighted comment (watch page only)
# Returns whether the given string is an ASCII word. This is the same as
# running the following regex in US-ASCII locale: /^[\w-]+$/
private def ascii_word?(str : String) : Bool
return false if str.bytesize != str.size
str.each_byte do |byte|
next if 'a'.ord <= byte <= 'z'.ord
next if 'A'.ord <= byte <= 'Z'.ord
next if '0'.ord <= byte <= '9'.ord
next if byte == '-'.ord || byte == '_'.ord
return false
return true
# Return which kind of parameters are allowed based on the
# first path component (breadcrumb 0).
private def determine_allowed(path_root : String)
case path_root
when "watch", "w", "v", "embed", "e", "shorts", "clip"
return :watch
when .starts_with?("@"), "c", "channel", "user", "profile", "attribution_link"
return :channel
when "playlist", "mix"
return :playlist
when "results", "search"
return :search
else # hashtag, post, trending, brand URLs, etc..
return nil
# Create a new URI::Param containing only the allowed parameters
private def copy_params(unsafe_params : URI::Params, allowed_type) : URI::Params
new_params = URI::Params.new
ALLOWED_QUERY_PARAMS[allowed_type].each do |name|
if unsafe_params[name]?
# Only copy the last parameter, in case there is more than one
new_params[name] = unsafe_params.fetch_all(name)[-1]
return new_params
# Transform any user-supplied youtube URL into something we can trust
# and use across the code.
def process(str : String) : URI
# Because URI follows RFC3986 specifications, URL without a scheme
# will be parsed as a relative path. So we have to add a scheme ourselves.
str = "https://#{str}" if !str.starts_with?(/https?:\/\//)
unsafe_uri = URI.parse(str)
unsafe_host = unsafe_uri.host
unsafe_path = unsafe_uri.path
new_uri = URI.new(path: "/")
# Redirect to homepage for bogus URLs
return new_uri if (unsafe_host.nil? || unsafe_path.nil?)
breadcrumbs = unsafe_path
.split('/', remove_empty: true)
.compact_map do |bc|
# Exclude attempts at path trasversal
next if bc == "." || bc == ".."
# Non-alnum characters are unlikely in a genuine URL
next if !ascii_word?(bc)
# If nothing remains, it's either a legit URL to the homepage
# (who does that!?) or because we filtered some junk earlier.
return new_uri if breadcrumbs.empty?
# Replace the original query parameters with the sanitized ones
case unsafe_host
when .ends_with?("youtube.com")
# Use our sanitized path (not forgetting the leading '/')
new_uri.path = "/#{breadcrumbs.join('/')}"
# Then determine which params are allowed, and copy them over
if allowed = determine_allowed(breadcrumbs[0])
new_uri.query_params = copy_params(unsafe_uri.query_params, allowed)
when "youtu.be"
# Always redirect to the watch page
new_uri.path = "/watch"
new_params = copy_params(unsafe_uri.query_params, :watch)
new_params["id"] = breadcrumbs[0]
new_uri.query_params = new_params
return new_uri
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ module YoutubeAPI
extend self
# For Android versions, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history
private ANDROID_APP_VERSION = "19.32.34"
private ANDROID_VERSION = "12"
private ANDROID_USER_AGENT = "com.google.android.youtube/#{ANDROID_APP_VERSION} (Linux; U; Android #{ANDROID_VERSION}; US) gzip"
private ANDROID_APP_VERSION = "19.14.42"
private ANDROID_USER_AGENT = "com.google.android.youtube/19.14.42 (Linux; U; Android 12; US) gzip"
private ANDROID_SDK_VERSION = 31_i64
private ANDROID_VERSION = "12"
private ANDROID_TS_APP_VERSION = "1.9"
private ANDROID_TS_USER_AGENT = "com.google.android.youtube/1.9 (Linux; U; Android 12; US) gzip"
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ module YoutubeAPI
# For Apple device names, see https://gist.github.com/adamawolf/3048717
# For iOS versions, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOS_version_history#Releases,
# then go to the dedicated article of the major version you want.
private IOS_APP_VERSION = "19.32.8"
private IOS_USER_AGENT = "com.google.ios.youtube/#{IOS_APP_VERSION} (iPhone14,5; U; CPU iOS 17_6 like Mac OS X;)"
private IOS_VERSION = "" # Major.Minor.Patch.Build
private IOS_APP_VERSION = "19.16.3"
private IOS_USER_AGENT = "com.google.ios.youtube/19.16.3 (iPhone14,5; U; CPU iOS 17_4 like Mac OS X;)"
private IOS_VERSION = "" # Major.Minor.Patch.Build
private WINDOWS_VERSION = "10.0"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::Web => {
name: "WEB",
name_proto: "1",
version: "2.20240814.00.00",
version: "2.20240304.00.00",
os_name: "Windows",
os_version: WINDOWS_VERSION,
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::WebEmbeddedPlayer => {
name_proto: "56",
version: "1.20240812.01.00",
version: "1.20240303.00.00",
screen: "EMBED",
os_name: "Windows",
os_version: WINDOWS_VERSION,
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::WebMobile => {
name: "MWEB",
name_proto: "2",
version: "2.20240813.02.00",
version: "2.20240304.08.00",
os_name: "Android",
os_version: ANDROID_VERSION,
platform: "MOBILE",
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::WebScreenEmbed => {
name: "WEB",
name_proto: "1",
version: "2.20240814.00.00",
version: "2.20240304.00.00",
screen: "EMBED",
os_name: "Windows",
os_version: WINDOWS_VERSION,
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::IOSMusic => {
name: "IOS_MUSIC",
name_proto: "26",
version: "7.14",
user_agent: "com.google.ios.youtubemusic/7.14 (iPhone14,5; U; CPU iOS 17_6 like Mac OS X;)",
version: "6.42",
user_agent: "com.google.ios.youtubemusic/6.42 (iPhone14,5; U; CPU iOS 17_4 like Mac OS X;)",
device_make: "Apple",
device_model: "iPhone14,5",
os_name: "iPhone",
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ module YoutubeAPI
ClientType::TvHtml5 => {
name: "TVHTML5",
name_proto: "7",
version: "7.20240813.07.00",
version: "7.20240304.10.00",
ClientType::TvHtml5ScreenEmbed => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user