254 lines
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254 lines
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"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.addToCompilationCache = addToCompilationCache;
exports.affectedTestFiles = affectedTestFiles;
exports.belongsToNodeModules = belongsToNodeModules;
exports.cacheDir = void 0;
exports.collectAffectedTestFiles = collectAffectedTestFiles;
exports.currentFileDepsCollector = currentFileDepsCollector;
exports.dependenciesForTestFile = dependenciesForTestFile;
exports.fileDependenciesForTest = fileDependenciesForTest;
exports.getFromCompilationCache = getFromCompilationCache;
exports.getUserData = getUserData;
exports.installSourceMapSupport = installSourceMapSupport;
exports.internalDependenciesForTestFile = internalDependenciesForTestFile;
exports.serializeCompilationCache = serializeCompilationCache;
exports.setExternalDependencies = setExternalDependencies;
exports.startCollectingFileDeps = startCollectingFileDeps;
exports.stopCollectingFileDeps = stopCollectingFileDeps;
var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
var _os = _interopRequireDefault(require("os"));
var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
var _utilsBundle = require("../utilsBundle");
var _globals = require("../common/globals");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Assumptions for the compilation cache:
// - Files in the temp directory we work with can disappear at any moment, either some of them or all together.
// - Multiple workers can be trying to read from the compilation cache at the same time.
// - There is a single invocation of the test runner at a time.
// Therefore, we implement the following logic:
// - Never assume that file is present, always try to read it to determine whether it's actually present.
// - Never write to the cache from worker processes to avoid "multiple writers" races.
// - Since we perform all static imports in the runner beforehand, most of the time
// workers should be able to read from the cache.
// - For workers-only dynamic imports or some cache problems, we will re-transpile files in
// each worker anew.
const cacheDir = exports.cacheDir = process.env.PWTEST_CACHE_DIR || ((_process$geteuid, _process) => {
if (process.platform === 'win32') return _path.default.join(_os.default.tmpdir(), `playwright-transform-cache`);
// Use `geteuid()` instead of more natural `os.userInfo().username`
// since `os.userInfo()` is not always available.
// Note: `process.geteuid()` is not available on windows.
// See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/22721
return _path.default.join(_os.default.tmpdir(), `playwright-transform-cache-` + ((_process$geteuid = (_process = process).geteuid) === null || _process$geteuid === void 0 ? void 0 : _process$geteuid.call(_process)));
const sourceMaps = new Map();
const memoryCache = new Map();
// Dependencies resolved by the loader.
const fileDependencies = new Map();
// Dependencies resolved by the external bundler.
const externalDependencies = new Map();
function installSourceMapSupport() {
Error.stackTraceLimit = 200;
environment: 'node',
handleUncaughtExceptions: false,
retrieveSourceMap(source) {
if (!sourceMaps.has(source)) return null;
const sourceMapPath = sourceMaps.get(source);
try {
return {
map: JSON.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(sourceMapPath, 'utf-8')),
url: source
} catch {
return null;
function _innerAddToCompilationCacheAndSerialize(filename, entry) {
sourceMaps.set(entry.moduleUrl || filename, entry.sourceMapPath);
memoryCache.set(filename, entry);
return {
sourceMaps: [[entry.moduleUrl || filename, entry.sourceMapPath]],
memoryCache: [[filename, entry]],
fileDependencies: [],
externalDependencies: []
function getFromCompilationCache(filename, hash, moduleUrl) {
// First check the memory cache by filename, this cache will always work in the worker,
// because we just compiled this file in the loader.
const cache = memoryCache.get(filename);
if (cache !== null && cache !== void 0 && cache.codePath) {
try {
return {
cachedCode: _fs.default.readFileSync(cache.codePath, 'utf-8')
} catch {
// Not able to read the file - fall through.
// Then do the disk cache, this cache works between the Playwright Test runs.
const cachePath = calculateCachePath(filename, hash);
const codePath = cachePath + '.js';
const sourceMapPath = cachePath + '.map';
const dataPath = cachePath + '.data';
try {
const cachedCode = _fs.default.readFileSync(codePath, 'utf8');
const serializedCache = _innerAddToCompilationCacheAndSerialize(filename, {
return {
} catch {}
return {
addToCache: (code, map, data) => {
if ((0, _globals.isWorkerProcess)()) return {};
_fs.default.mkdirSync(_path.default.dirname(cachePath), {
recursive: true
if (map) _fs.default.writeFileSync(sourceMapPath, JSON.stringify(map), 'utf8');
if (data.size) _fs.default.writeFileSync(dataPath, JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(data.entries()), undefined, 2), 'utf8');
_fs.default.writeFileSync(codePath, code, 'utf8');
const serializedCache = _innerAddToCompilationCacheAndSerialize(filename, {
return {
function serializeCompilationCache() {
return {
sourceMaps: [...sourceMaps.entries()],
memoryCache: [...memoryCache.entries()],
fileDependencies: [...fileDependencies.entries()].map(([filename, deps]) => [filename, [...deps]]),
externalDependencies: [...externalDependencies.entries()].map(([filename, deps]) => [filename, [...deps]])
function addToCompilationCache(payload) {
for (const entry of payload.sourceMaps) sourceMaps.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
for (const entry of payload.memoryCache) memoryCache.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
for (const entry of payload.fileDependencies) {
const existing = fileDependencies.get(entry[0]) || [];
fileDependencies.set(entry[0], new Set([...entry[1], ...existing]));
for (const entry of payload.externalDependencies) {
const existing = externalDependencies.get(entry[0]) || [];
externalDependencies.set(entry[0], new Set([...entry[1], ...existing]));
function calculateCachePath(filePath, hash) {
const fileName = _path.default.basename(filePath, _path.default.extname(filePath)).replace(/\W/g, '') + '_' + hash;
return _path.default.join(cacheDir, hash[0] + hash[1], fileName);
// Since ESM and CJS collect dependencies differently,
// we go via the global state to collect them.
let depsCollector;
function startCollectingFileDeps() {
depsCollector = new Set();
function stopCollectingFileDeps(filename) {
if (!depsCollector) return;
for (const dep of depsCollector) {
if (belongsToNodeModules(dep)) depsCollector.delete(dep);
fileDependencies.set(filename, depsCollector);
depsCollector = undefined;
function currentFileDepsCollector() {
return depsCollector;
function setExternalDependencies(filename, deps) {
const depsSet = new Set(deps.filter(dep => !belongsToNodeModules(dep) && dep !== filename));
externalDependencies.set(filename, depsSet);
function fileDependenciesForTest() {
return fileDependencies;
function collectAffectedTestFiles(changedFile, testFileCollector) {
const isTestFile = file => fileDependencies.has(file);
if (isTestFile(changedFile)) testFileCollector.add(changedFile);
for (const [testFile, deps] of fileDependencies) {
if (deps.has(changedFile)) testFileCollector.add(testFile);
for (const [importingFile, depsOfImportingFile] of externalDependencies) {
if (depsOfImportingFile.has(changedFile)) {
if (isTestFile(importingFile)) testFileCollector.add(importingFile);
for (const [testFile, depsOfTestFile] of fileDependencies) {
if (depsOfTestFile.has(importingFile)) testFileCollector.add(testFile);
function affectedTestFiles(changes) {
const result = new Set();
for (const change of changes) collectAffectedTestFiles(change, result);
return [...result];
function internalDependenciesForTestFile(filename) {
return fileDependencies.get(filename);
function dependenciesForTestFile(filename) {
const result = new Set();
for (const testDependency of fileDependencies.get(filename) || []) {
for (const externalDependency of externalDependencies.get(testDependency) || []) result.add(externalDependency);
for (const dep of externalDependencies.get(filename) || []) result.add(dep);
return result;
// This is only used in the dev mode, specifically excluding
// files from packages/playwright*. In production mode, node_modules covers
// that.
const kPlaywrightInternalPrefix = _path.default.resolve(__dirname, '../../../playwright');
function belongsToNodeModules(file) {
if (file.includes(`${_path.default.sep}node_modules${_path.default.sep}`)) return true;
if (file.startsWith(kPlaywrightInternalPrefix) && (file.endsWith('.js') || file.endsWith('.mjs'))) return true;
return false;
async function getUserData(pluginName) {
const result = new Map();
for (const [fileName, cache] of memoryCache) {
if (!cache.dataPath) continue;
if (!_fs.default.existsSync(cache.dataPath)) continue;
const data = JSON.parse(await _fs.default.promises.readFile(cache.dataPath, 'utf8'));
if (data[pluginName]) result.set(fileName, data[pluginName]);
return result;
} |