"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.InternalReporter = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _babelBundle = require("../transform/babelBundle"); var _test = require("../common/test"); var _base = require("./base"); var _utils = require("playwright-core/lib/utils"); var _multiplexer = require("./multiplexer"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class InternalReporter { constructor(reporters) { this._reporter = void 0; this._didBegin = false; this._config = void 0; this._startTime = void 0; this._monotonicStartTime = void 0; this._reporter = new _multiplexer.Multiplexer(reporters); } version() { return 'v2'; } onConfigure(config) { var _this$_reporter$onCon, _this$_reporter; this._config = config; this._startTime = new Date(); this._monotonicStartTime = (0, _utils.monotonicTime)(); (_this$_reporter$onCon = (_this$_reporter = this._reporter).onConfigure) === null || _this$_reporter$onCon === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onCon.call(_this$_reporter, config); } onBegin(suite) { var _this$_reporter$onBeg, _this$_reporter2; this._didBegin = true; (_this$_reporter$onBeg = (_this$_reporter2 = this._reporter).onBegin) === null || _this$_reporter$onBeg === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onBeg.call(_this$_reporter2, suite); } onTestBegin(test, result) { var _this$_reporter$onTes, _this$_reporter3; (_this$_reporter$onTes = (_this$_reporter3 = this._reporter).onTestBegin) === null || _this$_reporter$onTes === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onTes.call(_this$_reporter3, test, result); } onStdOut(chunk, test, result) { var _this$_reporter$onStd, _this$_reporter4; (_this$_reporter$onStd = (_this$_reporter4 = this._reporter).onStdOut) === null || _this$_reporter$onStd === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onStd.call(_this$_reporter4, chunk, test, result); } onStdErr(chunk, test, result) { var _this$_reporter$onStd2, _this$_reporter5; (_this$_reporter$onStd2 = (_this$_reporter5 = this._reporter).onStdErr) === null || _this$_reporter$onStd2 === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onStd2.call(_this$_reporter5, chunk, test, result); } onTestEnd(test, result) { var _this$_reporter$onTes2, _this$_reporter6; this._addSnippetToTestErrors(test, result); (_this$_reporter$onTes2 = (_this$_reporter6 = this._reporter).onTestEnd) === null || _this$_reporter$onTes2 === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onTes2.call(_this$_reporter6, test, result); } async onEnd(result) { var _this$_reporter$onEnd, _this$_reporter7; if (!this._didBegin) { // onBegin was not reported, emit it. this.onBegin(new _test.Suite('', 'root')); } return await ((_this$_reporter$onEnd = (_this$_reporter7 = this._reporter).onEnd) === null || _this$_reporter$onEnd === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$onEnd.call(_this$_reporter7, { ...result, startTime: this._startTime, duration: (0, _utils.monotonicTime)() - this._monotonicStartTime })); } async onExit() { var _this$_reporter$onExi, _this$_reporter8; await ((_this$_reporter$onExi = (_this$_reporter8 = this._reporter).onExit) === null || _this$_reporter$onExi === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_reporter$onExi.call(_this$_reporter8)); } onError(error) { var _this$_reporter$onErr, _this$_reporter9; addLocationAndSnippetToError(this._config, error); (_this$_reporter$onErr = (_this$_reporter9 = this._reporter).onError) === null || _this$_reporter$onErr === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onErr.call(_this$_reporter9, error); } onStepBegin(test, result, step) { var _this$_reporter$onSte, _this$_reporter10; (_this$_reporter$onSte = (_this$_reporter10 = this._reporter).onStepBegin) === null || _this$_reporter$onSte === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onSte.call(_this$_reporter10, test, result, step); } onStepEnd(test, result, step) { var _this$_reporter$onSte2, _this$_reporter11; this._addSnippetToStepError(test, step); (_this$_reporter$onSte2 = (_this$_reporter11 = this._reporter).onStepEnd) === null || _this$_reporter$onSte2 === void 0 || _this$_reporter$onSte2.call(_this$_reporter11, test, result, step); } printsToStdio() { return this._reporter.printsToStdio ? this._reporter.printsToStdio() : true; } _addSnippetToTestErrors(test, result) { for (const error of result.errors) addLocationAndSnippetToError(this._config, error, test.location.file); } _addSnippetToStepError(test, step) { if (step.error) addLocationAndSnippetToError(this._config, step.error, test.location.file); } } exports.InternalReporter = InternalReporter; function addLocationAndSnippetToError(config, error, file) { if (error.stack && !error.location) error.location = (0, _base.prepareErrorStack)(error.stack).location; const location = error.location; if (!location) return; try { const tokens = []; const source = _fs.default.readFileSync(location.file, 'utf8'); const codeFrame = (0, _babelBundle.codeFrameColumns)(source, { start: location }, { highlightCode: true }); // Convert /var/folders to /private/var/folders on Mac. if (!file || _fs.default.realpathSync(file) !== location.file) { tokens.push(_base.colors.gray(` at `) + `${(0, _base.relativeFilePath)(config, location.file)}:${location.line}`); tokens.push(''); } tokens.push(codeFrame); error.snippet = tokens.join('\n'); } catch (e) { // Failed to read the source file - that's ok. } }