293 lines
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2024-11-25 16:53:40 -06:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.requireOrImport = requireOrImport;
exports.resolveHook = resolveHook;
exports.setSingleTSConfig = setSingleTSConfig;
exports.setTransformConfig = setTransformConfig;
exports.setTransformData = setTransformData;
exports.shouldTransform = shouldTransform;
exports.singleTSConfig = singleTSConfig;
exports.transformConfig = transformConfig;
exports.transformHook = transformHook;
exports.wrapFunctionWithLocation = wrapFunctionWithLocation;
var _crypto = _interopRequireDefault(require("crypto"));
var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
var _url = _interopRequireDefault(require("url"));
var _utilsBundle = require("../utilsBundle");
var _tsconfigLoader = require("../third_party/tsconfig-loader");
var _module = _interopRequireDefault(require("module"));
var _util = require("../util");
var _compilationCache = require("./compilationCache");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const version = require('../../package.json').version;
const cachedTSConfigs = new Map();
let _transformConfig = {
babelPlugins: [],
external: []
let _externalMatcher = () => false;
function setTransformConfig(config) {
_transformConfig = config;
_externalMatcher = (0, _util.createFileMatcher)(_transformConfig.external);
function transformConfig() {
return _transformConfig;
let _singleTSConfigPath;
let _singleTSConfig;
function setSingleTSConfig(value) {
_singleTSConfigPath = value;
function singleTSConfig() {
return _singleTSConfigPath;
function validateTsConfig(tsconfig) {
var _tsconfig$absoluteBas, _tsconfig$paths, _tsconfig$paths2;
// When no explicit baseUrl is set, resolve paths relative to the tsconfig file.
// See https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#paths
const pathsBase = (_tsconfig$absoluteBas = tsconfig.absoluteBaseUrl) !== null && _tsconfig$absoluteBas !== void 0 ? _tsconfig$absoluteBas : (_tsconfig$paths = tsconfig.paths) === null || _tsconfig$paths === void 0 ? void 0 : _tsconfig$paths.pathsBasePath;
// Only add the catch-all mapping when baseUrl is specified
const pathsFallback = tsconfig.absoluteBaseUrl ? [{
key: '*',
values: ['*']
}] : [];
return {
allowJs: !!tsconfig.allowJs,
paths: Object.entries(((_tsconfig$paths2 = tsconfig.paths) === null || _tsconfig$paths2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _tsconfig$paths2.mapping) || {}).map(([key, values]) => ({
function loadAndValidateTsconfigsForFile(file) {
if (_singleTSConfigPath && !_singleTSConfig) _singleTSConfig = (0, _tsconfigLoader.loadTsConfig)(_singleTSConfigPath).map(validateTsConfig);
if (_singleTSConfig) return _singleTSConfig;
return loadAndValidateTsconfigsForFolder(_path.default.dirname(file));
function loadAndValidateTsconfigsForFolder(folder) {
const foldersWithConfig = [];
let currentFolder = _path.default.resolve(folder);
let result;
while (true) {
const cached = cachedTSConfigs.get(currentFolder);
if (cached) {
result = cached;
for (const name of ['tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json']) {
const configPath = _path.default.join(currentFolder, name);
if (_fs.default.existsSync(configPath)) {
const loaded = (0, _tsconfigLoader.loadTsConfig)(configPath);
result = loaded.map(validateTsConfig);
if (result) break;
const parentFolder = _path.default.resolve(currentFolder, '../');
if (currentFolder === parentFolder) break;
currentFolder = parentFolder;
result = result || [];
for (const folder of foldersWithConfig) cachedTSConfigs.set(folder, result);
return result;
const pathSeparator = process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':';
const builtins = new Set(_module.default.builtinModules);
function resolveHook(filename, specifier) {
if (specifier.startsWith('node:') || builtins.has(specifier)) return;
if (!shouldTransform(filename)) return;
if (isRelativeSpecifier(specifier)) return (0, _util.resolveImportSpecifierAfterMapping)(_path.default.resolve(_path.default.dirname(filename), specifier), false);
* TypeScript discourages path-mapping into node_modules:
* https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/modules/reference.html#paths-should-not-point-to-monorepo-packages-or-node_modules-packages
* However, if path-mapping doesn't yield a result, TypeScript falls back to the default resolution through node_modules.
const isTypeScript = filename.endsWith('.ts') || filename.endsWith('.tsx');
const tsconfigs = loadAndValidateTsconfigsForFile(filename);
for (const tsconfig of tsconfigs) {
if (!isTypeScript && !tsconfig.allowJs) continue;
let longestPrefixLength = -1;
let pathMatchedByLongestPrefix;
for (const {
} of tsconfig.paths) {
let matchedPartOfSpecifier = specifier;
const [keyPrefix, keySuffix] = key.split('*');
if (key.includes('*')) {
// * If pattern contains '*' then to match pattern "<prefix>*<suffix>" module name must start with the <prefix> and end with <suffix>.
// * <MatchedStar> denotes part of the module name between <prefix> and <suffix>.
// * If module name can be matches with multiple patterns then pattern with the longest prefix will be picked.
// https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/blob/f82d0cb3299c04093e3835bc7e29f5b40475f586/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts#L1049
if (keyPrefix) {
if (!specifier.startsWith(keyPrefix)) continue;
matchedPartOfSpecifier = matchedPartOfSpecifier.substring(keyPrefix.length, matchedPartOfSpecifier.length);
if (keySuffix) {
if (!specifier.endsWith(keySuffix)) continue;
matchedPartOfSpecifier = matchedPartOfSpecifier.substring(0, matchedPartOfSpecifier.length - keySuffix.length);
} else {
if (specifier !== key) continue;
matchedPartOfSpecifier = specifier;
if (keyPrefix.length <= longestPrefixLength) continue;
for (const value of values) {
let candidate = value;
if (value.includes('*')) candidate = candidate.replace('*', matchedPartOfSpecifier);
candidate = _path.default.resolve(tsconfig.pathsBase, candidate);
const existing = (0, _util.resolveImportSpecifierAfterMapping)(candidate, true);
if (existing) {
longestPrefixLength = keyPrefix.length;
pathMatchedByLongestPrefix = existing;
if (pathMatchedByLongestPrefix) return pathMatchedByLongestPrefix;
if (_path.default.isAbsolute(specifier)) {
// Handle absolute file paths like `import '/path/to/file'`
// Do not handle module imports like `import 'fs'`
return (0, _util.resolveImportSpecifierAfterMapping)(specifier, false);
function shouldTransform(filename) {
if (_externalMatcher(filename)) return false;
return !(0, _compilationCache.belongsToNodeModules)(filename);
let transformData;
function setTransformData(pluginName, value) {
transformData.set(pluginName, value);
function transformHook(originalCode, filename, moduleUrl) {
const hasPreprocessor = process.env.PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM && process.env.PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM_SCOPE && process.env.PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM_SCOPE.split(pathSeparator).some(f => filename.startsWith(f));
const pluginsPrologue = _transformConfig.babelPlugins;
const pluginsEpilogue = hasPreprocessor ? [[process.env.PW_TEST_SOURCE_TRANSFORM]] : [];
const hash = calculateHash(originalCode, filename, !!moduleUrl, pluginsPrologue, pluginsEpilogue);
const {
} = (0, _compilationCache.getFromCompilationCache)(filename, hash, moduleUrl);
if (cachedCode !== undefined) return {
code: cachedCode,
// We don't use any browserslist data, but babel checks it anyway.
// Silence the annoying warning.
process.env.BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA = 'true';
const {
} = require('./babelBundle');
transformData = new Map();
const {
} = babelTransform(originalCode, filename, !!moduleUrl, pluginsPrologue, pluginsEpilogue);
if (!code) return {
code: '',
const added = addToCache(code, map, transformData);
return {
serializedCache: added.serializedCache
function calculateHash(content, filePath, isModule, pluginsPrologue, pluginsEpilogue) {
const hash = _crypto.default.createHash('sha1').update(isModule ? 'esm' : 'no_esm').update(content).update(filePath).update(version).update(pluginsPrologue.map(p => p[0]).join(',')).update(pluginsEpilogue.map(p => p[0]).join(',')).digest('hex');
return hash;
async function requireOrImport(file) {
const isModule = (0, _util.fileIsModule)(file);
const esmImport = () => eval(`import(${JSON.stringify(_url.default.pathToFileURL(file))})`);
if (isModule) return await esmImport();
const result = require(file);
const depsCollector = (0, _compilationCache.currentFileDepsCollector)();
if (depsCollector) {
const module = require.cache[file];
if (module) collectCJSDependencies(module, depsCollector);
return result;
let transformInstalled = false;
function installTransformIfNeeded() {
if (transformInstalled) return;
transformInstalled = true;
(0, _compilationCache.installSourceMapSupport)();
const originalResolveFilename = _module.default._resolveFilename;
function resolveFilename(specifier, parent, ...rest) {
if (parent) {
const resolved = resolveHook(parent.filename, specifier);
if (resolved !== undefined) specifier = resolved;
return originalResolveFilename.call(this, specifier, parent, ...rest);
_module.default._resolveFilename = resolveFilename;
_utilsBundle.pirates.addHook((code, filename) => {
if (!shouldTransform(filename)) return code;
return transformHook(code, filename).code;
}, {
exts: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.mts', '.cjs', '.cts']
const collectCJSDependencies = (module, dependencies) => {
module.children.forEach(child => {
if (!(0, _compilationCache.belongsToNodeModules)(child.filename) && !dependencies.has(child.filename)) {
collectCJSDependencies(child, dependencies);
function wrapFunctionWithLocation(func) {
return (...args) => {
const oldPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (error, stackFrames) => {
const frame = _utilsBundle.sourceMapSupport.wrapCallSite(stackFrames[1]);
const fileName = frame.getFileName();
// Node error stacks for modules use file:// urls instead of paths.
const file = fileName && fileName.startsWith('file://') ? _url.default.fileURLToPath(fileName) : fileName;
return {
line: frame.getLineNumber(),
column: frame.getColumnNumber()
const oldStackTraceLimit = Error.stackTraceLimit;
Error.stackTraceLimit = 2;
const obj = {};
const location = obj.stack;
Error.stackTraceLimit = oldStackTraceLimit;
Error.prepareStackTrace = oldPrepareStackTrace;
return func(location, ...args);
function isRelativeSpecifier(specifier) {
return specifier === '.' || specifier === '..' || specifier.startsWith('./') || specifier.startsWith('../');