Active Allocator - React & .NET Core API
An API and Web App for managing budgets with allocations (buckets of funds based on history) and interfacing with Banks, and FireFlyIII.
I started with this tutorial. Here is another one that is handy for good structure.
Reference for adding JWT authentication is here.
User Interface
React Select
React Select is a dropdown input react component.
Here is how you load up a default value: ('value' is the important property on the 'Select' component)
parseAccountValue(debitAccount) !== undefined &&
<div className="form-group">
<label className="control-label">Debit Account: </label>
<Select onChange={(e) => setDebitAccount(e.value)} name="debitAccount" options={accounts} isSearchable="true" isLoading={loading} value={parseAccountValue(debitAccount)} />
View Income overview
- Projected Income - Based on statistical metrics (with controls for fine-tuning sample date range)
- Historical Income (with source breakdown)
View Allocations (Budgets)
- View balances for any given date (defaulting today)
- Show total allocated amount for each account in the given timeframe
- Detail View for each account
- Recent Transactions
- Edit allocation rules for a given account
Broad Settings
- Timescale of App (month? 2-week? quarter?)
- Choose statistical metrics for estimating allocation amount (default to simple average (with lookback range))
Guides and References
Easy background worker guide
Settings / Configuration
Adding Settings with Docker and appsettings.json
. Link
.NET 7 Configuration with Minimal API
API Token vs Key
Security analysis / basic overview
.NET Puppeteer Implementation - Puppeteer Sharp
Dev Environment Setup
On Archlinux install the following to use dotnet: sudo pacman -Sy dotnet-sdk dotnet-runtime aspnet-runtime
For Archlinux install docker with sudo pacman -Sy docker docker-compose
Then run systemctl start docker.service
and systemctl enable docker.service
to start and enable on boot the docker engine.
When running pgAdmin (a container in the docker compose stack) if there are errors about permission denied, you will need to set the owner of the directory to user 5050. You can do this with:
sudo chown -R 5050:5050 ./Postgres/pg-admin_data
You may also need to allow full rwx (Read, Write, and Execute) rights on the directory.
sudo chmod -R 777 ./Postgres/pg-admin_data
Install React dependencies if needed - npm install
in the ClientApp directory.
Download 'Reverse Engineering' Tools
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
Confirm it is working with dotnet ef
- Create Entity (or Model) for object.
- Add
entry in your DbContext. - Migration
- Endpoints (if needed)
To add Migration for new entity:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
For generating API endpoints for an entity called Note
$HOME/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator controller -name NotesController -async -api -m Note -dc MyDBContext --relativeFolderPath Controllers
Create Docker Image
Running sudo dotnet publish
will create a docker image targetting linux x64 with the "DefaultContainer" profile and image name of "". Edit the .csproj file to change the version of the image.
To create a docker image explicitly run sudo dotnet publish --os linux --arch x64 -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer
in the same folder as the dotnet solution. Because we added the Microsoft.NET.Build.Containers
package, we don't actually need to use the Dockerfile.
Pushing Docker Image
You will have to be logged in. sudo docker login
First tag sudo docker tag <image_id>
(check that the version is right).
Then push sudo docker push
Using API
API should be something like - https://localhost:7260/swagger